
How To Create An If Function In Excel

Function IF in Excel with a few examples of conditions

The logical IF argument in Excel is used for the recording of certain conditions. It compares the number and / or text, function, etc. of the formula when the values correspond to the fix parameters, and and then there is one record, when do not reply - some other.

Logic functions - it is a very simple and constructive tool that is often used in practice. Let us consider information technology in details by examples.

The syntax of the function «IF» with one condition

The operation syntax in Excel is the structure of the functions necessary for its operation data.


Let us consider the function syntax:

  • Boolean – what the operator checks (text or numeric data cell).
  • Value_if_TRUE – what will appear in the prison cell when the text or numbers stand for to a predetermined status (true).
  • Value_if_FALSE – what appears in the box when the text or the number does not come across the predetermined status (false).



Logical IF functions.

The operator checks the A1 cell and compares it to xx. This is a «Boolean». When the contents of the cavalcade is more twenty, there is a true legend «greater xx». In the other case information technology'due south «less or equal 20».

Attention! The words in the formula need to exist quoted. For Excel to understand that you want to display text values.

Here is one more example. To gain admission to the examination, a group of students must successfully pass a examination. The results are listed in a table with columns: a list of students, a credit, an test.


The argument IF should bank check non the digital data type but the text. Therefore, nosotros prescribed in the formula В2= «washed» We accept the quotes for the program to recognize the text correctly.

The part IF in Excel with multiple weather condition

Usually one condition for the logic function is not enough. If you need to consider several options for conclusion-making, spread operators' IF into each other. Thus, we get several functions IF in Excel.

The syntax is every bit follows:

Here the operator checks the ii parameters. If the first condition is true, the formula returns the first statement is the truth. False - the operator checks the second condition.

Examples of a few atmospheric condition of the function IF in Excel:

few conditions.

It's a table for the analysis of the progress. The student received 5 points:

  • А – excellent;
  • В – to a higher place average or superior work;
  • C – satisfactory;
  • D – a passing class;
  • E – completely unsatisfactory.

IF statement checks ii weather condition: the equality of value in the cells.

two conditions.

In this case, we have added a third condition, which implies the presence of another study carte and "twos". The principle of the operator is the same.

Enhanced functionality with the help of the operators «AND» and «OR»

When y'all need to bank check out a few of the true conditions yous apply the office И. The point is: IF A = 1 AND A = 2 THEN meaning в ELSE significant с.

OR function checks the condition 1 or condition 2. As soon as at least one status is true, the event is true. The point is: IF A = 1 OR A = 2 THEN value B ELSE value C.

Functions AND & OR can bank check up to thirty weather.

An example of using the operator AND:

operator AND.

It's the example of using the logical operator OR.

example of using OR.

How to compare data in two tables

Users oftentimes demand to compare the two spreadsheets in an Excel to match. Examples of the "life": compare the prices of goods in different bringing, to compare balances (accounting reports) in a few months, the progress of pupils (students) of unlike classes, in different quarters, etc.

To compare the two tables in Excel, yous tin can use the COUNTIFS statement. Consider the social club of awarding functions.

For example, consider the two tables with the specifications of diverse food processors. We planned allocation of color differences. This problem in Excel solves the provisional formatting.

Baseline data (tables, which will work with):


Select the first table. Conditional Formatting - create a rule - use a formula to determine the formatted cells:

formatted cells.

In the formula bar write: = COUNTIFS (comparable range; first cell of starting time table)=0. Comparing range is in the 2d table.

To drive the formula into the range, simply select it beginning cell and the terminal. "= 0" means the search for the exact command (not approximate) values.

Cull the format and found what changes in the cell formula in compliance. It'due south ameliorate to do a color fill.

Select the 2nd table. Conditional Formatting - create a dominion - employ the formula. Apply the aforementioned operator (COUNTIFS). For the second table formula:

Download all examples in Excel

compare the characteristics.

At present it is easy to compare the characteristics of the data in the table.


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