
How To Make Excel Startup Open Quicker?

Microsoft Excel is a versatile productivity tool, but information technology is still susceptible to various problems. Sometimes, it may non open immediately when yous click on a spreadsheet. Even a 30 seconds delay can hurt the menstruum of your task, especially if you need to open and shut spreadsheets regularly. In a more than serious situation, Excel may freeze for a long time and a "Non Responding" bulletin is shown on the top of the window.

Microsoft Excel White Screen of Death

Microsoft Excel White Screen of Death

In this article let u.s.a. discuss various methods to fix slow Microsoft Excel and speedup spreadsheet processing.

Related: Fix Slow Microsoft Discussion Issues.

Fix Slow Microsoft Excel and Speedup Spreadsheet Processing

  1. Open Excel in Safe Mode
  2. Disable All Add-ins
  3. Repair Microsoft Office
  4. Remove Rules
  5. Enable Manual Adding
  6. Replace Formulas with Static Values
  7. Divide a Big Workbook
  8. Enable Superfetch
  9. Reduce Size
  10. Repair Excel File
  11. Processing Macro Enabled Spreadsheets
  12. Cheque Security of Excel File
  13. Processing from Web App or Network

1. Open Excel in Safe Manner

You need to check whether Excel performs very slowly with one file, a few files or all files. If Excel performs slowly with any file, then the problem could exist related with Excel itself. You should pinpoint what's happening with the plan.

  • Close Microsoft Excel.
  • Printing "Win + R" central shortcut to open Run prompt. Enter "excel /prophylactic" and striking enter.

Open Excel in Safe Mode

Open Excel in Rubber Mode

  • If Excel loads and opens spreadsheets smoothly, at that place could be a plugin or add-in that causes problems with the performance. When opened in safe way, y'all will see the 'Prophylactic Fashion' in brackets forth with the name of the Excel spreadsheet.

Safe Mode Excel

Condom Fashion Excel

If Excel does non open up or loads very slowly in safe fashion then endeavor other fixes mentioned from choice 3.

2. Disable All Add-ins

Add-ins could cause problem and slow downward your spreadsheets. Follow the below instructions to disable all add-ins in Excel.

  • Get to 'File > Options' card and choose 'Add-ins' from the left sidebar.
  • Click the 'Manage' dropdown, choose 'Excel Add-ins' and so choose 'Go…'.

Go to Excel Add-ins Section

Go to Excel Add together-ins Section

  • Uncheck all items and click OK. Shut and reopen Microsoft Excel. Check whether Excel performs smoothly.

Disable Add-ins in Excel

Disable Add-ins in Excel

  • If Excel is nevertheless tiresome, disable all items in 'COM Add-Ins', 'Actions' and 'XML Expansion Packs' and restart Excel.

Related: Ready Slow Microsoft Outlook Issues.

three. Repair Microsoft Role

Most of the time, repairing Office installation is the best mode to remove all bug. Follow these steps:

  • Go to 'Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall'.
  • Check the program listing and await for Microsoft Office. Correct click it and choose 'Change'.

Repairing Microsoft Office Installation

Repairing Microsoft Office Installation

  • Choose 'Quick Repair > Repair'.
  • Look until the repair process is completed and reopen Excel. If the problem yet occurs, choose the 'Online Repair' characteristic.

4. Remove Rules

Often, the problem merely happens with a single spreadsheet. If this is the situation, yous should follow these steps:

  • Open the problematic spreadsheet file.
  • Go to 'File > Save As' and type in a different name. The copy should get your backup, in case something goes incorrect.
  • Go to 'Home > Provisional Formatting > Articulate Rules > Clear Rules From Entire Sail'. If the spreadsheet has multiple tabs, y'all should repeat the step to clear rules.

Clear Rules from Entire Sheet in Excel

Clear Rules from Entire Canvas in Excel

  • Go to 'File > Save' and close the file. Open the file again and check whether the performance improves.

v. Enable Manual Calculation

If you utilize your spreadsheet to record new information on daily footing, you may continue to add rows, columns and formulas. Somewhen, the performance will tedious downwards noticeably. You should know that when you add something to the spreadsheet, Excel will recalculate all formulas. The performance volition suffer further if you lot add lot of images, such as product images. I solution is to disable the Automatic Workbook Adding option. It'south advisable to enable Transmission Calculation, and so at that place's no effect on the overall performance. Follow these steps"

  • Become to 'File > Options > Formula'.
  • Under 'Workbook Adding', await for 'Calculation Options'. Notice the 'Manual' button and click on it.
  • Uncheck 'Recalculate Workbook Before Saving', and so you volition need to printing the F9 key to manually summate the spreadsheet.
  • Click OK.

6. Supervene upon Formulas with Static Values

In many cases, values in your spreadsheet don't change. If values in some parts of your spreadsheet are static, it doesn't make sense to continue using formulas. Follow these steps:

  • Click on a jail cell with values that are calculated using a formula, write downward the value on a piece of paper.
  • Remove the formula on the bar above the spreadsheet.
  • Type in the static value on the cell.

7. Divide a Big Workbook

If your workbook is getting also big, consider splitting it into multiple files. This is a very constructive method, only can be complicated sometimes. All calculations and processes of raw input information can exist performed separately, depending on the requirements. You need to practice this carefully, especially if there are complex calculations.

Related: Fix Slow Microsoft PowerPoint Bug.

8. Enable Superfetch

In some cases, Excel opens normally and you can load spreadsheet files without problem. Nonetheless, issues may arrive when you double click the spreadsheet file straight, without opening Microsoft Excel showtime. This may happen if the Superfetch features are disabled. Superfetch works based on buried data on the RAM, so the file can exist fetched very fast when necessary. Follow these steps:

  • Printing 'Win + R' and enter 'regedit' to open the Windows registry folio.
  • Go to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Managing director/MemoryManagement/PrefetchParameters'.
  • Look for "EnableSuperfetch" at the right windows and modify its value to one.
  • If EnableSuperfetch isn't constitute, correct click on the right windows and choose 'New> DWORD Value'. Set its value to 1.

Enable Superfetch in Windows 10

Enable Superfetch in Windows 10

9. Reduce Size of Excel File

When the size of the Excel spreadsheet file is large, information technology contains a lot of data and it volition perform more slowly. At sure betoken, the file tin can go unstable and crashes are more probable to happen. A good solution is to optimize the Excel spreadsheet file. The all-time way is to practice it manually, past removing unnecessary formulas and formatting. Notice unused cells and delete them.

10. Repair Excel File

If problem continues to occur, it is a good thought to apply Excel Repair tool.

  • Go to "File > Open".
  • Click on the small-scale dropdown arrow in the 'Open up' push button.
  • Choose 'Open and Repair…' and so choose 'Repair' option to recover the Excel sheet.

Open and Repair Excel

Open and Repair Excel

11. Macro Enabled Spreadsheets

Another problem with Excel is to handle macro enabled enabled spreadsheets. This will exist in XLSM format and will be very tiresome compared to simple XLSX fie formats. So only utilize macro enabled format when at that place are macros inside Excel. Too await ho-hum response time when processing macros.

12. Opening Infected Files

Excel will show you the security alert when yous try to open an infected file. When you lot enable data connections ignoring the warning, Excel will accept long time to open the file.

Security Problem in Excel Workbook

Security Problem in Excel Workbook

We strongly recommend disable the information connections and delete the file. It may be a real virus that could cause harm to your computer.

13. Processing Excel from Web App or Network

Directly trying to edit the Excel spreadsheets in Web App similar SharePoint may result in very slow performance. Instead of directly editing the file from network, you lot tin cheque out the file and download to local computer. After completion of editing, check in, upload the file back and check out properly.

Excel Web App Problem

Excel Web App Problem


Excel is 1 of the most used applications in our daily life. Whether in part or in home, people use Excel more frequently for many purposes. In that location are many occurrences you might be facing the slow responding Excel worksheets. We hope the solutions explained above may help to fix your issue and speedup the spreadsheet processing.


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