
How Did Increased Employment For Women Impact The Us

Despite widespread reports of a "she-cession," nigh women managed to keep their jobs during the COVID-xix pandemic, suggests a paper discussed at the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity on March 24, 2022. That was a mixed blessing, however, considering women—much more so than men—bore the brunt of caring for children and elderly parents.

"Far more than mothers, and other women who are caregivers, accept been stressed, frustrated, and broken-hearted because they did non go out their jobs than have been forced to leave the workforce or cut back their hours," Claudia Goldin of Harvard Academy writes in Understanding the Economic Bear upon of COVID-19 on Women.

Normally, recessions affect male employment more than female employment considering more than men work in cyclically sensitive sectors such as manufacturing and construction, while more women work in commonly more-stable service sectors. Simply the pandemic recession of 2022 hitting services harder than previous recessions. Women working in restaurants, hospitality, retail, and personal care, saw their workplaces shuttered. The jobs most affected past the pandemic meant that people without college degrees, both women and men, were more likely to lose their jobs than people with higher degrees, who often could piece of work from home.

Figure 1, "COVID-related differences in employment greater by education than by gender"

In May 2022, more than than sixty per centum of male and female college graduates were working at home due to COVID only only most 25 percent of women without a college degree and just 14 percent of men without a college degree were. Differences between the ii pedagogy groups in remote work declined over time merely have remained substantial and increased again during the Omicron wave.

"The pandemic produced both a he- and a she-cession," Goldin writes. "Relative to previous recessions, women have been harder hit. Merely the largest differences in pandemic effects on employment are found betwixt education groups rather than between genders inside educational groups."

Goldin compared the per centum of people "at work" during the pandemic with the percentage a yr or two earlier for the aforementioned flavor. "At piece of work" differs in i important way from employment. People with jobs but on furlough because of the pandemic, for instance, are not included in "at work." A autumn 2022-to-fall 2022 comparison, for example, adjusts for seasonal employment variation and for an anomalous spike in women's labor force participation in the months just before the pandemic began.

The pandemic produced both a he- and a she-cession.

Goldin looked at men and women and higher graduates and non-graduates, anile 20‑54. Female person college graduates at work fell by per centum points; male college graduates at work declined by 2.six percentage points. Female non-college graduates at work decreased by 5.vii percentage points; male non-college graduates at work cruel by v.v percentage points.

"The big differences are by pedagogy rather than gender, and that makes it more like to previous recessions," Goldin writes.

With schools and daycare centers airtight, women, much more so than men, spent boosted fourth dimension caring for children. For example, childcare (including schooling) past college-graduate women who worked full fourth dimension, could work remotely, and had simple school-aged children in ii-parent households more than doubled—from 8.7 hours a week before the pandemic to 17.3 hours in the early months of the pandemic. Childcare hours for custodial fathers in the aforementioned group spiked during those early months, probably to effectually 15.8 per week, but greatly decreased as work resumed. Because total childcare hours remained most every bit high, childcare hours increased for women by fall 2022.

Goldin closes her newspaper by speculating on whether increased workplace flexibility will do good women after the pandemic, provided schools and daycare remain open. Possibly, mothers might be able to accept on more-lucrative jobs that once required considerable travel away from home. But, if the "new normal" reduces women'due south in-person confront-time with colleagues and clients relative to men, they could pay a career toll in the form of reduced bonuses and pay increases and fewer promotions, she writes.


Goldin, Goldin. 2022. "Agreement the economic bear upon of COVID-nineteen on women." BPEA Conference Draft, Spring.

How Did Increased Employment For Women Impact The Us,


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