
How Has Internet Access Increased Education

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The internet and education in the developing world - hopes and reality

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Information and communication technologies take made a major affect on pedagogy. This raises hopes in countries like Republic of india which are undergoing rapid growth in their educational efforts. Will Information and Communication Technologies create a revolution in the education sector? What can we expect in the style of impact due to the spread of admission to the Cyberspace? Will Cyberspace access over the mobile phone make rapid advances possible in rural areas? What evidence is bachelor to judge pop claims and predictions regarding dramatic growth of Internet usage as a result of the widespread use of jail cell phones? Can we identify the impeding factors that limit progress in using engineering science for didactics at centre schools, secondary schools and higher secondary schools?

The newspaper addresses these questions, focusing mainly on Indian data and surveys progress in the spread of access to the Net, including access using cell phones. It presents data on expenditure levels to offer insight into relevant socio-economic factors. It discusses the problem of language and the nature of content available over the Www. The whole effort reported in this newspaper is to get a realistic view of the current and potential impact of the Cyberspace and Communication Technologies on instruction in India. Evangelists of engineering have a fashion of creating unsustainable hopes by ignoring social and economic reality, and therefore a critical test of bachelor information is necessary.

The paper concludes past discussing technologies and initiatives worth considering for ameliorating the situation mentioned to a higher place.


Every major development in engineering science triggers hopes in developing countries in regard to its potential affect on education. Internet technology has significantly contributed to furthering education in the world. The Www and search engines have made information on demand a reality. Low price models for supporting learning, such as Massive Open Online Courses, are kindling new hopes in developing countries. Lower price Internet access devices, such as tablets, phablets, and smart phones accept addressed the problem of device affordability to a significant extent. The widespread utilise of cell phones opens up the possibility that many or well-nigh of them could exist used as windows to the world of data and knowledge over the Net.

Research questions

Is the stage set up for a major revolution in the way engineering science tin facilitate education in developing countries? What does published information from credible sources indicate about reality on the basis? Does rapidly evolving technology leave behind sections of the population, or is there uniformly skilful utilize of the new tools to promote learning? What should we expect from the future, and what should we do to overcome problems identified?

Background and literature review

The techno-centric view of development emphasises such phenomena as the rapid spread of technology, its adoption past the immature and reducing costs. This view frequently leads to the cosmos of hope that such touch on of engineering science by itself can revolutionize instruction. Warschauer et al. (2002) wrote a pioneering analysis of a instance where such hopes had been created. In many cases such hopes turn out to be false, leading to missed opportunities for the citizens. His concludes his paper by emphasizing the importance of re-orienting "the focus from that of gaps to be overcome by provision of equipment to that of social development to be enhanced through the effective integration of Internet and Advice Technologies (ICT a) into communities and institutions". Keniston et al. (2003) discussed digital divides separating those who benefit from the Internet and those who do non. They talk over the carve up between haves and accept-nots in a socio-economical sense. They too hash out the split up resulting from people finding inadequate content in their ain language on the Spider web. These two divides will be discussed in detail in the following pages, using recent Indian data. Keniston et al. (2003) page No. 2 take commented on "optimistic hopes and fantasies" that technological revolutions create. New phenomena such as the introduction of smart phones and tablet computers into developing countries have created such hopes and fantasies. The electric current newspaper will also discuss the touch on of smart phones and tablet computers and analyse information technology from the point of view of the research questions defined before.

Growth of mobile phone subscriber base

Growth in the use of mobile phones in India has been quite rapid, and has been accompanied by the availability of relatively cheap smart phones. A document published by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI 2022, folio No. xi) states "From 2001 to 2022, the full number of phone subscribers has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35 percent. The comparable rates in the 1980s and 1990s were ix percent and 22 percent, respectively". TRAI (2013) adds that the total number of telecom subscribers (Wireless + Wireline) equally of 31 March 2022 was 898b 1000000. What is surprising is that out of this 898 million, wireless subscribers alone account for 868 one thousand thousand.

The figure of 868 1000000 phones in use by a population of 1210 million (Census 2022) does not mean that 868 meg Indians use mobile phones, as many users have more than 1 phone in service. TRAI (2013) gives overall teledensityc in India as 73 and rural teledensity in Republic of india as 41. The growth in teledensity has been truly impressive. (TRAI 2022) points out that overall teledensity had been only 4.3 in March 2002; rural teledensity had been at but one.2.

Growth of the net subscriber base

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAI 2022, states that Internet and broadband subscribers constitute only a pocket-size fraction of the population. Nevertheless, the number of people capable of accessing the cyberspace through mobile phones is essentially college if wireless data subscription through mobile is an indication. Out of the 91.8 million people usingd Internet in India, in that location were but one thousand thousand fixed Cyberspace subscribers in 2010, as per (TRAI 2022).

Telecom Regulatory Dominance of India, TRAI (2013) gives figures as of March 31, 2022 as follows:

Total number of Net subscribers: 165 Million.

Internet subscribers excluding those who access the Internet using wireless devices: 22 1000000.

Internet subscribers who accessed the Network using wireless devices: 143 Million.

Meeker (2014) of Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers made a presentation in May 2022, offering the following observations, among others:

  • India has 121 million Internet users. The increase in their numbers during 2008–2011 had been 69 million. In comparison, the growth in the US had been 15 meg.

  • There were 39 million 3G subscribers in India, growing at 841% twelvemonth on twelvemonth. Compare with 115% of China and the 31% of the US.

  • The percentage of Net traffic carried past cell phones in India had overtaken Internet traffic carried by desktops by Apr 2022.

Nonetheless, whether such growth has had any significant impact on teaching is highly arguable. A number of researchers had anticipated a significant role for smart phones in educational engineering science, for instance, Yerushalmy et al. (2004) and Thornton and Houser (2005). Nonetheless, India has not seen any major use of smart phones in mainline school didactics. One reason for this might be the cost bulwark that frightens the bulk of Indian students away from using jail cell phone access to the Web.

Kumar (2011) refers to the fact that ane could pay a modest amount to get pre-paid web admission. Is this true? In reality, commercial costs for downloading information are frightening to students using prepaid mobile plan packages. A typical service provider charges them Indian Rupees (Rs) 0.03 per 10 KB of information transfer and this translates to a charge per unit of Rs. 3000 (roughly Usa$ 50) for a gigabyte of information. Naïve users do not usually understand these calculations and a few brand the mistake watching a few videos and see their meagre prepaid deposits disappear very quickly. The toll of downloading a 27 page article from the Wikipedia can exist Rs 18 to the student at the rates mentioned above. In comparing, the researcher downloads the same commodity at less than i-tenth of that toll, considering he has committed to a Rs. 250 per month data program from his cellular service provider.

(TRAI 2022), quotes Bhide (2010) to say that the 3G spectrum auction combined with the bid values for broadband wireless admission licenses yielded more Rs. 100,000 crore in 2010 (roughly equivalent to The states$ 21 Billion at that time) to the Government of India, amounting to approximately i percent of the Gross Domestic Product of the state. Mankotia et al. (2015) has reported that the spectrum auction for 2022 has earned the Authorities of Bharat Rs. 109,800 crore (roughly equivalent to US $ 17.5 Billion). Cellular telephony companies that have paid such a large sum must obviously await to earn commensurate incomes.

Krishnan and Ramani (2015) have discussed the growth of smart phone usage in India using slightly older data; they have also described the touch of ICT in India on engineering, technology and related scientific discipline education at the academy level.

Cheap cyberspace access devices

A $100 mobile phone usable as a Web access device is obviously more bonny on economical grounds than a Laptop or Notebook costing $250 upwardly. Tablets and Phablets offer other levels of merchandise-off. Noting the importance of depression price Web access devices, the Authorities of Republic of india has taken steps to brand low cost tablets available to Indian students and teachers according to the Press Information (2012). However, a project to serve a large student population past making bachelor to them a new device like this is fraught with its own complexity. The story of this projection involves iii versions of the device – Aakash 1, 2 and 3. The engineering used in the device and comparison with competing devices requires a separate article to do justice to the topic. The Wikipedia article (Aakash 2022) is a useful summary.

Linguistic communication of the users

Students can efficiently use the Internet to learn noesis and information only if content is available in a language in which they can read well. English continues to exist the nearly widely used language world-wide for creating and for accessing content on the Web. (W3Tech 2022) indicates that 55% of the websites on the Net show English language as the language of their content. Indian languages, including Hindi and Tamil, are among the languages accounting for less than 0.1% of the websites each.

Times of India (Times 2010) quoted data from (Census 2001) and said that English was the primary language for barely 230,000 Indians at the time of the census, and that more than 86 million listed it as their second language and some other 39 million as their 3rd language. Demography (2001) reported that x.35% of the population speaks English every bit a secondary linguistic communication. In that location were 88.v meg Secondary School students in India in 2001 (Census 2001), covering the age grouping from 14 to 18. Are high school students far more than likely to be English language speakers than their parents? This can be judged by information given past a Government Order from Andhra Pradesh Land of India (Andhra Pradesh 2008), which states that 95% of private schools offer English as a medium of pedagogy, merely that individual schools are concentrated in the big cities. 98% of government funded schools in the state apply only the language of Andhra Pradesh – Telegu – as the medium of instruction. Schools in which English is not the medium of instruction usually teach English as a 2d or third language. Students typically study this equally one discipline out of six. The writer believes that the situation is similar in nigh of the other states of India.

The Indian Reader Survey (IRS 2022) of paper readers presents some relevant information, which is summarized beneath. Table i gives information regarding the number of Indian newspaper readerse as of the last quarter of 2022.

Table i Readership of English and Indian language newspapers in India (in millions)

Full size table

Out of 1222 million Indians, those that read a daily newspaper are approximately 153 one thousand thousand but; the top 10 dailies in a language cover a loftier percentage of readers in that language. Hence, only meg out of 1222 million Indians read English newspapers.

Results and discussion

Suitability of mobile devices in rural areas

All mobile computing devices and Web access devices, including Laptops and Notebooks, offering certain advantages over PCs. Firstly, having a desktop is not an option for a educatee not having a desk, or even room for a table in the dwelling! Secondly, having a PC does not help when electricity is not available for hours at a time everyday due to "power-cuts". (Chaurey et al. (2004), page 1697) refer to "continuous power cuts to the tune of 16–20 h for 20 days in a month is a common occurrence (as determined by the primary survey findings)". In comparing to PCs, all mobile devices have their ain stored power that lasts several hours and they do non require table infinite. Farther, as mentioned in the Literature Review Section, the lower price of mobile devices is a major attraction. Yet another important factor is that a mobile device does non crave coping with circuitous wiring betwixt several small units. Imagine a PC with an Uninterruptible Power Supplyf, a Keyboard, a display, a modem and a mouse. Information technology is a serious challenge to an inexperienced user to diagnose the crusade of any trouble arising in such a setup. In comparison, mobile devices applied science packages the multiple devices mentioned in a higher place into 1 unit, eliminating problems posed past external wiring.

The smaller screen size and poorer text entry facilities brand the telephone selection a poorer choice for web access. Tablets are a potentially valuable tool for use in many developing countries. Withal, project planners face a variety of problems. Should they specify an ideal tablet for the job and wait manufacturers to build a new product to meet the specs; or should they distribute funds to stimulate purchase of a diverseness of devices? A blueprint specified by the government is non attractive to major manufacturers who are reluctant to design a low cost product for fear that information technology volition cannibalize their market for more than expensive devices that are sold to those who tin beget them, on the basis of fancier and fancier designs. The mainline tablet is designed for high quality reproduction of videos and photographs.

Every design effort requires a choice to be made between options. One would assume that the design of a low toll tablet for educational utilize in developing countries would avoid expensive features and focus on chief requirements. However, many designs for "depression cost" admission devices in developing countries have failed because they ended up trying to compete with multi-purpose tablets designed for well-off users.

No give-and-take of admission devices in education tin can exist consummate without roofing the case of the "Ane Laptop per Child (OLPC)". A review from the educationists' indicate of view can be found in (Warschauer and Ames, 2010). Their paper describes the religion that the supporters of the OLPC try had in students' ability to larn about using the Laptop on their ain and in teaching ane another. They point out on folio 35 of their paper cited above that pilot programs, staged implementation, monitoring and formal evaluation were not considered relevant past the OLPC projection leader, Nicholas Negroponte, considering he had argued that the benefits of the device were obvious.

The decision of Warschauer and Ames (2010) is that "OLPC represents the latest in a long line of technologically utopian development schemes that take unsuccessfully attempted to solve complex social problems with overly simplistic solutions".

Information technology is necessary to note that no large calibration use of tablets by school students has been observed in India as yet. Students in metropolitan cities, specially those coming from an elite socio-economic groundwork, may use tablets; but the devices are not used even by such students primarily for learning.

Teacher versus machines

Serious doubts have often been expressed in literature about the teacher playing an constructive role in the education of students in developing countries. Sadanha (2012) page v refers to the "sea of unqualified teachers at the primary and secondary levels" in the context of education English language at schoolhouse level. She also refers to the extremely limited funds bachelor for the purpose. (Negroponte (2006), page 26) has said, "In some countries, which I'll leave unnamed, as many as ane-third of the teachers never show up at schoolhouse. And some percent show up drunk."

The level of education and training of teachers and their poor attendance at schoolhouse are undoubtedly real problems in parts of rural India, but the students in such areas cannot do without teachers. Most of these students suffer some combination of several handicaps: poverty, urban/rural divide, degree, gender, linguistic communication, religion, and parents who are functionally illiterate. Krishna (2013) describes the nature of handicaps that these factors create in educational opportunities in general. To fence that students then severely handicapped should teach themselves how to use a laptop or tablet for online learning is twenty-four hours dreaming. Warschauer (2002) has described the disappointing results of an experiment that tried to go students to teach themselves using computers, with no assistance from teachers or anyone else. To contend that i tin overcome the problems arising from poor quality of teaching in rural areas by using engineering science alone is absurd; it is like arguing that malnutrition can be tackled merely past using vitamin and mineral supplements! Such supplements cannot substitute for real food!

If teachers do not have a good educational background and grooming and their attendance at school is not satisfactory, these problems have to be rectified with loftier priority. Information technology is non a argent bullet to eradicate all problems of the educational arrangement.

The linguistic communication barrier

The literature review section presented data to prove that 150 million Indians, that is approximately 12.5% of the population read dailies and that only 1.half-dozen% of Indians read their dailies in the English. This is an indicator of what Indians would prefer to use every bit a language for acquiring data knowledge and skills over the Cyberspace. Dailies offer information and cognition. They are a major source of information and knowledge outside the classroom. Therefore, it is reasonable to look readership statistics of newspapers to tell us well-nigh user preferences of language for data/knowledge access online.

Imagine a taxi driver who is asked to turn right at the next traffic signal; if he replies saying that it is a 1-way street, he can exist said to be a speaker of English language. However, if he has a family member who has suffered a stroke, is he likely to read a library book, a web article or a magazine article in English language to larn information on the trouble? Is he likely to do good from such information in English? The contention of this paper is that the typical Indian would require such information in his mother-natural language, and that the availability of such information in Indian languages is very unsatisfactory. It is also worth questioning if teaching English as one of five or 6 subjects equips the typical Indian pupil to turn a profit from data on the Spider web in the English language. A exam of this ability could exist to requite printed data downloaded from the Spider web and test for its comprehension. Ideally, the topics should be chosen for relevance to the students existence tested and the material should be selected for readability.

Calculator related skills, aspirations and the language split up

Most parents who want their children to learn to use a computer effectively also want them to improve their competence in the English language. They expect their children to get better jobs as a event. They recognize that computer related skills are important to office work, whether in government offices, banks, or in companies. They understand that, as things stand in India now, command over English is valuable to progress in life. Nevertheless, enrolling ane'south children in English-medium schools turns out to exist counter-productive if the school is non constructive in pedagogy English well enough. When children exercise not have anyone at dwelling house to help them larn English, studying in the English medium becomes a large burden to them. If standards of teaching are poor, they end up learning neither English nor any of the subjects they are taught through English!

Some other source of disappointment is faced by students who written report in a "vernacular medium" and hope to transfer easily to English medium classes in college. Sadanha (2012) presents the poignant real-life story of a Hindi-educated twenty-two-year-old, who joins an engineering college near Delhi. He is from a small-scale town and has studied English as one of his subjects until the tenth class, but his medium of instruction has been Hindi. He ends up committing suicide, leaving backside an explanatory note. The cause of his tragic finish turns out to be undue pressure from his English-medium courses; he did non want to burden his parents with the costs of English coaching to assist him prepare better. This disturbing story, covered in the Hindi and English print media, highlights the long-standing split betwixt students who come from English-medium backgrounds and those who come from "colloquial" ones. Puri (2008) has analysed this phenomenon in considerable depth.

Mukherji (2012) reported that over xx million Indian students in grades I - VIII study in English medium schools. The number of such students has grown by 274% since 2003–04. It reported that private schools were not the merely ones providing English medium instruction. Government schools in Jammu and Kashmir and in the Punjab were also adopting the English medium for employ in authorities schools. Nevertheless, it quotes Vinod Raina, an architect of Bharat's "Correct to Pedagogy Nib", proverb "That regime schools are turning to English medium does not in any way mean that either teachers or students at these schools can speak a word of English!"

Content in Indian languages

Consider a youngster hoping to get a job as an assistant in a photographic studio, and a student who has completed nursing school and is preparing for a job interview, who wants information on anaphylactic shock. Can they find the required information in their own languages? Some of this information, such as the one on anaphylactic shock, may exist in printed class in text books. Some data, such as the ane on digital cameras, could exist in printed form in magazine articles or in expensive books in English. However, the focus of the following discussion would be on supplementarythou data bachelor online.

Google searches, carried out Aug 7, 2022 yielded the post-obit results:

  • Query: Language: Hindi "anaphylactic shock"

  • Hits ane–eight offered dictionary pregnant in Hindi. The ninth offered a translation into French, Stroke Anafilactico! The tenth offered an article in English on how to care for anaphylactic shock in a dog.

  • Query: Language: Hindi "digital camera"

  • Hits one–4 offered dictionary meanings of "digital camera" in Hindi. The 5th was an English article on a GSMh telephone, and the following half dozen articles were irrelevant.

  • Query: Linguistic communication: Hindi stroke

  • Hits numbered one and 3 were lexicon meanings in Hindi. The eleventh was an advertizement for a book on Stroke Paralysis. Hit No two (Stroke) was a well translated article in Hindi about stroke. It advised the reader that if he felt whatever signs of stroke, he should call 911! No wonder, information technology was an article published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US. Six other hits were irrelevant. One other hitting was a downloadable version of the NIH document mentioned to a higher place.

  • Query: Language: Tamil "anaphylactic shock"

  • The beginning hit was a translation by Google Interpret which offered ""; this offered no meaningful information to the author, a Tamil speaker. The side by side ten hits were English manufactures.

  • Query: Language: Tamil "digital camera"

  • The kickoff hit was a 11 minute video from YouTube which seemed to exist an advertisement for a spy cam in Tamil. The following 10 hits were English articles.

  • Query: Linguistic communication: Tamil stroke

  • The kickoff xi hits comprised of two dictionary meanings, a YouTube videoi in Tamil (Heart and Stroke 2007) lasting 36 seconds listing the warning signs of stroke, and ix English articles dealing with the dissimilar topics referred past the English language word "Stroke".

Using common tools for text entry, transliteration and translation

Part of the problem in creating information in Indian languages is that standard input techniques accept not go very popular. Many Indian scripts use a two dimensional system with circuitous diacritical marks, called "matras" attached to a higher place and beneath the line of bones characters. Several decades of piece of work has gone into complex keyboards for handling these scripts (Sinha and Raman 1980), (Shanbhag et al. 2002); however, keyboards for Indian scripts are non in wide utilize except for regime related work.

Innovative new tools such every bit Google input tools and Google interpret go far easier for native speakers of Indian languages to produce reasonably adept Web content in their own linguistic communication, even if they accept no experience in writing for publication. Such authors with professional knowledge in a variety of fields can quickly contribute to the creation of significant volumes of content, specially if at that place is some aid in the form of copy-editing. Some of the tools mentioned in a higher place involve the use of roman script keyboards and other such practices considered blasphemous in sure language communities concerned with the "independence" of their linguistic communication. The objection to the utilise of other scripts is probably a natural extension of the prohibition on the apply of words, speech sounds from other languages and the graphemes associated with them. These imports are considered threats to the "purity" of the language. Even so, it is the "openness" of a language every bit practiced by a community, rather than its purity, that decides how skilful that language is in arresting new vocabulary and concepts. Learning scientific discipline and engineering science becomes very difficult in a linguistic communication that does not absorb new vocabulary and concepts hands.

The absenteeism of a widely adopted text input mechanism affects not only the writers who tin can create content but also those who search and use data plant on the Web. This loss cannot exist substituted by poor translations en masse of Wikipedia articles from English. Such practices may increase the number of articles in a linguistic communication, but cannot be expected to contribute to an increase in "expert articles" (Good_articles 2022). Authoring Web content for the apply of a specific language community, taking into account the local context is very important. Request the residents of Tamil Nadu to punch 911 if they think they are having a stroke is not the only blazon of fault you encounter in manufactures written for someone else! A common trouble with an article that has been "mechanically" translated from English to an Indian linguistic communication is that it is usually at the wrong level for the readers. The translator should really modify the source commodity before translating it, so that information technology suits the needs of the target community well.

The problem of search

An experienced searcher is oft able to ferret out more information from the Spider web than a naïve user. Some training in searching the Web is fifty-fifty more essential for the person looking for information in a language other than English, because then much less of web content is accessible to him; he needs a search process that has a loftier degree of "recall" and then that he does not miss whatever of the significant content that is at that place. Using a search engine to search words or discussion patterns in an Indian linguistic communication is surely not very like shooting fish in a barrel for naïve users as of now. Specialized search engines could help. The effectiveness, ease of apply and other qualities of available specialized search engines merits study.

The human motorcar interface

The fact that computers are programmable machines has brought the blessings/curse of great versatility. Hence, the modern laptop tin be useful to authors, types-setters, photographers, video makers, game players, statisticians and so on and, by the way, to loftier school students! It is not surprising that a machine designed to perform so many different functions fails to meet two requirements of whatsoever student device – ease of use and simplicity of the interface. Whatsoever device similar a tablet meant for employ by school students cannot be based on a 'pattern past a committee'. It has to have the postage of an able designer. It should not be expected to meet a lot of needs, but exist very good in coming together a few main needs. eBook readers demonstrate the value of simplicity. Some of them use e-ink displays focusing on text reading than on video etc. They focus on book reading at the cost of interaction. They use slow-speed CPUs and demonstrate an ability to final a month or more than on a single charge. They are lite, rugged and are relatively low in price. eBook readers cannot exist the reply for a single device that meets a student'southward needs, merely they set a standard in simplicity of pattern and ease of employ.

Ease of utilise of a device in the hands of students in a given setting is not something that can be predicted by a set of experts in advance. Nor tin can it be ensured past employing the very best of engineers to design the device. Ease of utilise has to exist one of the major pattern goals and has to be accomplished past having a right mix of engineers, designers and teachers in the team creating the device. Ease of utilize has to be tested for during the development of the pattern; user feedback should be used effectively by the designers to remove any identified flaws.

Ruggedness, repairability, and technical support

Warschauer and Ames (2010) are academics in the education field; merely their paper gives surprisingly adept attending to the upshot of how oftentimes devices got out of service, what service was required to re-commission them, and what service was in fact available. Champions of proposed devices sometimes forget the life-bicycle toll of an electronic device in a educatee's easily. It is not the purchase price alone that matters, merely the total life-cycle cost. Apart from price is the sense of loss, sense of guilt and disappointment that a pupil experiences when a device is broken, lost or damaged.

The economical context of secondary instruction in Bharat

Linden (2012), Page 135) indicates the calibration of public expenditure in Indian Secondaryj Education. The expenditure in authorities funded schools and authorities aided schools averages Rs. 10250 per year per student (2007–08 figure in terms of the value of the rupee in 2004–05), roughly equivalent to Usa $ 224. Again, equally per Linden (2012), page 135), no fees were paid by 74% of students enrolled in Regime funded schools, and past 54% of those enrolled in Government aided schools; while those enrolled in individual schools paid an average of Rs. 3375 per yr (roughly equivalent to US $ 74). It is worth comparison the cost of information plans from cellular service providers (Rs 250 per month) reported earlier with the total annual school fee reported here. This indicates how expensive Internet admission is when it is provided over the prison cell phone network.

(Sankar (2011), Page five) reports that 35% of secondary schools and 36% of the senior secondary schools were owned, financed and managed by purely private sector. The others were either regime run or financially aided by regime grants. (Sankar (2011), page 37) as well notes that 81.4% of secondary school students nourish schools funded or aided past government, as per 2007–2008 figures.

The percent of students depending upon government funded or authorities-aided schools varies from lx% to near 100% over the twenty 9 states of India. (Sankar (2011), page 38) lists the percentages in each land.

Mobile internet acquirement per customer

(TRAI 2022) provides accurate information about usage of Internet access over the cellular network. As per this document, average revenue per user (ARPU) per month by stop of March 2022 was Rupeesk (Rs.) 100 from GSM users and Rs. 66 from CDMAfifty users; both figures cover acquirement from voice as well as other services for all users.

Revenues from Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS) were approximately Rs. 11/calendar month; lx% of this, being nearly Rs. 7, was from SMS (Curt Messaging Service, that is, text messaging). Cyberspace related services earned only ix% of all MVAS revenues, and hence were approximately Rs. 1/calendar month per subscriber.

Major uses of the SMS services were: Requests for ringtone downloads, seeking information similar news, cricket scores, astrological predictions, subscribing to jokes and accessing other such services (TRAI 2022). This situation is non irresolute dramatically. A Report by the Printing Trust of Republic of india, PTI (2012), quoted by the Economical Times gave information nigh the situation as of stop-March 2022. It quotes a study done by the IAMAIm-IMRBn. Tabular array 2 presents relevant information.

Tabular array 2 Average revenue per cell phone user in Bharat, 2022

Full size table

Of the Rs. 24 per month spent Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS), 27% went into ringtones, 17% into SMS based applications; mobile apps took ten% while games took 8%. And so, mobile apps usage was less than Rs. 2.5 per calendar month. The report predicted that ARPU will increase by 5–eight% over the coming years.

So, here is the reality: The average Indian user did not spend the equivalent of even one-tenth of a U.Southward. $ per month on mobile apps by the year 2022! Commercial costs are also frightening to such users, and so about of them completely avoid Web access over the mobile phone, which is in principle so readily available.

The economic context presented above gives an indication of what needs to exist addressed in regard to technology support for teaching at the secondary schoolhouse level.

Challenges to exist faced

Affordable access

What is the best way for a school to brand computers and Net access available to its students? Installing PCs owned and managed by the schoolhouse? Or, making WiFi available on the premises and using a variety of means to make tablets or smart phones available to students? At that place may not be a unique solution to all Indian schools, just information technology is worth discussing available options for extending Cyberspace access to rural schools. Pun (2002) describes an interesting feel in Nepal in using WiFi every bit a courage of a rural network also every bit the distribution mechanism. Raman and Chebrolu (2007) and Surana (2009) have described other experiences in using wireless techniques for developing countries. Further, the National Optical Fibre Network of Bharat (NOFN), when it becomes fully operational would make fibre optic admission to Internet in 250,000 gram panchayatso; Ilavarasan et al. (2014) offer a detailed description of this network forth with a discussion of delays in its implementation. Schools and public libraries wishing to offer WiFi facilities at their premises should exist able to use this network. Several countries accept Universal Service Obligation Funds to provide support to efforts to have advice to rural areas. The (Department of Telecommunications 2004) describes the Universal Service Obligation Fund of India which disbursed Rs. 31 Billion in 2010–xi (roughly equivalent to 687 million United states Dollars). Such funds, in principle, can pay for schoolhouse utilise of WiFi in rural areas; in fact NOFN is funded past the Universal Service Obligation Fund of India.

Providing WiFi access through public libraries might be a very practical approach to serving users in rural areas including schoolhouse students. They serve readers in unlike age groups and with varying backgrounds. Unlike many schools, they do not ban the apply of cell phones and tablets. Schools often ban jail cell phones and tablets, considering them to be a lark in the school environment; Goswami and Premkumar (2014) have studied this ban in the Indian context. Public Libraries tin can go beyond providing WiFi access; they tin serve equally centres for spreading skills and knowledge in regard to using the Internet for locating information. Free usage of Net facilities tin be limited to specific domains such as .edu, .air, and, to avoid undesirable uses. Given free admission to the Web, rural Internet can play a major office in driving a knowledge revolution.


Human resources and managerial abilities are at least equally important as equipment and software in the context of extending Cyberspace facilities to schools. The researcher has plant from visits to schools that they observe it relatively piece of cake for them to get ane-time grants to purchase a set of PCs and a server or two. Still, the almanac expenditure for maintenance and software upgrades is usually unavailable. Expertise is unremarkably unavailable to block admission to undesirable websites by students and staff. Anti-virus protection is oftentimes missing. As a upshot, schools prefer to keep PCs locked up.

Currently, schools rent temporary staff on an advertizing hoc basis to provide technical back up. Usually, these recruits are without formal training but are bang-up to acquire on the job. By the fourth dimension they larn plenty to do a decent technical back up job, they move off to nearby big cities to better paid jobs in the IT industry. It is, therefore, essential to train regular staff members and requite them technical skills necessary to keep equipment running; it is also necessary to ensure that such trained staff volition be stable in school employment.

A related problem is teacher preparation. What should they teach and how? Where can they learn it themselves in the kickoff place? A major initiative by Intel (2007) has trained over a one thousand thousand schoolhouse teachers in the employ of computers in India. All the same, we cannot wait i such program alone to offer all computer-related grooming required by the staff and teachers of all schools.

Content creation in students' mother tongue

The discussion on the difficulty of finding adequate content in students' mother tongue raises the question of what should exist washed to amend the situation. Encouraging and supporting those who are willing to create eBooks in appropriate languages would patently exist valuable. Public funding of such eBooks every bit well equally financial rewarding of their creation can event in making these books available costless of charge on the Spider web, positively impacting a huge number of students and other readers.

The encyclopaedia format is valuable for making information bachelor on demand, in small units. A Wikipedia in the pupil'south own linguistic communication, written with the local context in mind, and written at the right level of complexity would be a valuable tool for informal sharing of noesis. Equally important might exist the stimulation of the utilise of indigenous languages for breezy advice and social networking. Information technology would be ideal if gild accepts the employ of the Roman script as an optional script for communication over the Cyberspace. This researcher believes that the employ of the Roman script would have a positive event on students using their own language over the Internet.


It is common to run across defence ministers and army chiefs declare that the man behind the car is the major determinant of victory in combat. It is of import to recognize, similarly in education that teachers, librarians and technical back up staff are critical to success in integrating applied science into teaching. Ambitious plans to employ engineering in educational activity should use a competence building approach rather than the "cargo cult" approach described by Gilbert et al. (2013).

The commercial world is primarily focused on selling international standard equipment at international prices as the majority of easy profits lies in such sales. In many countries, depending on only commercial initiatives could leave up to eighty% of learners without the benefits of computers and the World Broad Web. This has been borne out in the Indian context by earlier discussions in this newspaper on the use of English and other languages over the Web. Focus on rugged, low toll equipment designed for sustainable apply in the local environs is very important to serve rural learners. Creating content in their languages, integrating the use of computers and access to the Spider web into the curriculum are as important. Major projects in these areas tin can succeed only when a large number of teachers are trained and motivated to apply the new technology.

Price of access makes information technology very hard to depend but on cellular technology to have the Cyberspace to learners all over the country. Public funding of admission to the Cyberspace over WiFi from public libraries and schools is worth serious consideration.

The researcher hopes that this newspaper would contribute to readers gaining a balanced perspective on the potential of the Internet in education in developing regions of the world.


aThe Listing of Abbreviations near the finish of the paper provides definitions.

bFigures quoted in this newspaper are rounded off if the significance of the number is non contradistinct by the approximation.

cTelephone density or teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every hundred individuals living inside an surface area.

dUsers are defined by (TRAI 2022) every bit subscribers who pay direct, likewise as those who do not pay direct only take access equally a member of the household, or from work or school.

due eastReadership covers the number of persons reading a re-create of the daily irrespective of whether they bought information technology, and is to be distinguished from the count of subscribers.

fThis usually gives only 20 minutes of fill-in power and cannot final the usual length of power cuts in a country like Republic of india. Its primary use is to protect the PC from damage arising from frequent ability cuts.

gThis term is used hither to announce data other than what is in text books.

hGlobal Arrangement for Mobile Communications.

iThis video also asks listeners to telephone call 911 in case they feel signs of stroke!

jIndian nomenclature identifies grades 9 and 10 as the ones offering secondary teaching and grades Xi and XII as the ones offer higher secondary didactics.

kThe Indian Rupee in 2022 was roughly equivalent to US $ 0.0217.

lCode partitioning multiple access (CDMA), a channel access method used in some mobile phones.

mNet & Mobile Clan of India.

nIndian Market Research Bureau.

oThe gram panchayat is the local cocky-government organization in a hamlet or small boondocks.



Cyberspace & Mobile Association of Bharat


Data and Communication Technologies


Indian Market Enquiry Bureau

Phablet (a Trademark):

A smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet figurer


Phone density or teledensity is the number of telephone connections for every hundred individuals living inside an expanse


One laptop per child


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Ramani, S. The cyberspace and didactics in the developing world - hopes and reality. Smart Learn. Environ. 2, 8 (2015).

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  • ICT
  • Internet
  • Mobile phones
  • Discussion Wide Web
  • Admission devices
  • Tablets
  • Languages
  • Socio-economical factors
  • Human automobile interface
  • Smart Phones

How Has Internet Access Increased Education,


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